This is to inform the entire University Community that the Library has secured a grant from the Mann Library, Cornell University, USA, for the installation of The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library (TEEAL) in the University of Abuja Library. TEEAL is an offline full-text and searchable database of articles from more than 350 high-quality research journals in agriculture and the related sciences from 1993 – 2014.
The TEEAL was already delivered to the Library and has been installed. Also, a training on how to use the TEEAL and other electronic resources is coming in the first week of November.
Once more, The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library (TEEAL) is a digital library for excellence in agricultural research and education.
It contains current agricultural research with access to hundreds of essential agricultural journals without internet connection.
Full-text articles can be downloaded, saved or printed in the following subject areas:
i. Agricultural Engineering
ii. Agriculture
iii. Animal Science / Veterinary Medicine
iv. Biology / Genetics
v. Biotechnology / Applied Microbiology
vi. Chemistry / Biochemistry / Biophysics
vii. Economic / Social Sciences / Development
viii. Entomology / Pest Control
ix. Environment / Ecology / Natural Resources
x. Fisheries / Aquatic Sciences
xi. Food Science / Nutrition
xii. Forestry
xiii. Human / Medicine / Physiology
xiv. Plant Science / Soil Science
Thank you as I look forward to your comments and inquiries.